Friday, October 1, 2010

7 months!

Oh my good ness where has the time gone-so much has changed in the past months but the important stuff is the same. Claire is now 7 months old-she is crawling and starting to babble-eating solid foods-unbelievable-she is soooooooooo laid back and go with the flow (she gets that from her daddy:)) which is sooooo nice compared to our little intense and go-go-go man Blake (he gets that from his mommy). Blake has started pre-school and is LOVING it-it is a mom/dad and me setting so I am loving that I get some one on one time with him. Daily he surprises me with his funny sayings, most recent "Um mom I think you hair is a little silver..." and "You sure like food don't ya!" Are you kidding me!?!?!

I have made a HUGE career change in that I gave mine up for my kids. Before I did it, it seemed like a really scary and hard thing to do-but everyone kept telling me I wouldn't regret it-and they are sooo right! Working part time was wonderful with Blake and such a blessing-but being home full time is exactly where I want to be and I am quickly finding how fulfilling it is (although so different) and that although it is a sacrifice-it is so the only choice for me.

In that I have been soo blessed with some consulting opportunities that have come up so that I can help teach teachers how to best work with kids with emotional and behavioral disabilities-this gig not only keeps my toe in it but also helps with those finances-an added plus!

We recently took a trip, just the 4 of us to Seaside, OR and enjoyed a vacation as a family of four-and although different than our vacations as a family of 2-so fun and so many memories made. Everything we showed and introduced Blake to he loved and Claire was just along for the ride. I will soak these up-because I know the years will past sooo quickly and soon the eye rolls and conversations about not texting during family dinner will be upon me. :)

With the added time at home-and the added ability to- stay "connected" been given to me with the annoyance of cell phone companies not making good phones without data plans I have been struck by a question-and have been trying to make it not true in my life. "We have increased our ability to document and discuss memories so much that I wonder are we still taking the time to make them??" I sure hope I am-because I know that 5 years from now I am not going to care about someone's Facebook update-but rather will I remember something about my kids lives/development at this very moment? I sure hope so.....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

2 Months!

I can't believe that today it will be 2 months since I last posted-and that is two months since we went from being a family of 3 to a family of 4. Claire has been an amazing addition to our family and Blake has adjusted quite well (there were definitely some tantrums in the beginning-but he never took his frustration out on sister, only us). He loves to ask to hold her and kiss her at night and all in all is enjoying his new role as a Big Brother as much as a 28 month old can! Claire is so cute and definitely her own person from the beginning, she let has made it clear that she will do things in her own time by being 5 days late. That trend has continued in that most babies smile between 6-8 weeks and I have been waiting for that day for a long time..well this weekend...the start of her 9th week she decided that she was ready and she smiled, in response to me when I went to get her out of her crib-it was soooooo GREAT! I am trying to not think about how the personality trait will forever drive me crazy as she is growing up! I think she will be Gods ever present reminder to me that I am not in charge of when things should happen!

Some fun things that have happened in the past few weeks:

Blake can sing the entire ABC song by himself unprompted.

I have gone back to work for the remainder of the year and on Justin's first day alone with the kids-when I got home Blake came to me and with a look of exhaustion said "Mom today has been busy..." I can only guess who he was imitating!

I found Blake holding the parts of my breast pump up to his chest (correctly I might add) he looked up at me and said "Mommy I am just milking...for Claire." Oh my goodness!

Justin and I got to go out on a date to celebrate 6 years of marriage! Wow where did the time go!

I have officially made the decision and told my boss that I will not be returning to Renton Academy next year-and can hardly wait until my 9 weeks are done! Really looking forward to my new role as a stay at home mom!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Things to be Thankful for...

I thought I would make this list as often when I am having to wait for something I tend to waver (very quickly) between content and discouraged. I also thought this list could serve as a way to help remind me of how I was taken care of during this time when the day comes she is here and I am reflecting on this time.

1. AMAZING weather-when ever before has there been 60 degree weather and sunny days for a FULL week or longer in Seattle in February?

2. Wonderful people whose prayers and thoughts came at key moments during the process.

3. Friends willing to give up their time to help me pass mine.

4. Family who was willing to come down for a false alarm.

5. A Gracious God who has prompted me to read where and when I should and shown me such truth in those moments.

6. Overall not too uncomfortable.

7. Getting sleep at night as the days away from due date grew.

8. Extra time with just Blake-he is an amazing little boy and this week or so with him and just me has been so precious and I am truly thankful for that.

9. A Husband who is so supportive: with Blake, with chores, with me. :)

10. Each day, although long, has gone fairly smooth and makes me more and more excited to meet our little girl.

11. A good Dr. who calms my nerves and who shows me everything is okay.

12. Blake taking his nap like a trooper everyday so that I can sleep:)

I am sure there will be more to come and I am thinking that she is quite happy in her home but that is all for now:)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Different from the Start...

Well... I always had a feeling that Blake and his little sister to come (3 days until due date) would be different and unique in their own special and wonderful ways-and that is proving to be true even in the way they are choosing to come into this world. With Blake my water broke 5 days before my due date and we had him 4 days before. It was as if he said "Okay I am done-what is the quickest way to get out???" Although labor wasn't an ideal situation under those circumstances, it was the way he chose to enter the world. Now that I am getting to know him-that part of his personality is still with him. He is always ready to go, ready for an adventure, and is okay to do whatever in the fastest way possible. He even will tell us to "Go Fast, Go Fast" and wave his arms in fast conducting motions while singing bedtime songs. Now his sister to be on the other hand...well so far she has proven to be a little more deliberate and steady about this entering the world process. She is still "warm and cozy in Mommy's tummy" (as Blake is saying) but she has made steady progress over the past couple of weeks. At my 38th week appt I was 1 cm and 50% effaced, on Sunday (the start of week 39) I had about 7 hours of mild contractions-that stopped around 12 midnight...Then on Tuesday I went for my appt and I am now around 3 cm and still 50% effaced. I can't help but wonder if this slow and steady progress is a little picture into the personality of this little girl-and I can hardly wait to find out! (I am a little more like her brother;)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Some Blake Moments

Question: "Where do Gramma and Grampa live?"
Blake: "In WaHatchy!"

Upon opening all of his gifts at his Birthday and Christmas he would state "I NEED that!"

Learning to say "Goodness gracious sakes alive" from his Great Grandma Hanan this Christmas

Upon walking into Nana and Papa's house-with in 5 minutes he asks for the "Zune" to be turned on and the Beatles #1 album to be playing-he can tell you that song #15 is "Yellow Submarine, #14 is "Paperback Writer"-I dare you to challenge him on these facts!

He is starting to sing and if you start a song in the "wrong spot" he will sing where he wants you to start. For example:

Jingle Bells...- "No mama-"Dashing through the snow..."
Winnie the Pooh- "Um Deep in da hundred acre woods..."

If you ask him if he can fix or do something he says "Yes we can, Bob" As in Bob the Builder!

Put a camera near him and he does a wonderful CHEESE face!

He knows that he is two

First morning in his big boy room and bed he was sitting on his bed for me and when I walked in he said "I waited Mommy!"

Whenever we are at the Dr. to check on baby sis he gets mad when the Dr. pulls up my shirt and tries to pull in down-trying to keep me modest. When he hears her heartbeat he says "She round and noisy!"

Whenever he hears a sound he says "I hear that!"

He tells himself "Good job" after doing something he didn't want to do but did anyway.

He is starting to make up things like "pillow time"-which is when he takes off ALL of the couch pillows and puts them in a pile and jumps on them and "bed time" which is when he wants Daddy and Mommy and ALL his pillows and animals in his new bed (these things mostly get made up with Daddy and Blake are alone;)

He asks for hugs and "kisses."

He says "I uv u too."

He says "Thank you Jesus, Amen." when we ask him to pray.

These are just a few things our wonderful 2 year old does-written partly to share but mostly to help me remember in the midst of this busy life.

New years thought

I can't believe that is is 2010-I was thinking about where I was 10 years ago and that would be starting my winter quarter of my sophomore year at SPU on 5th Hill-my how things have changed and not changed...I am still best friends with the lovely lady I roomed with that year-Jenny (Adams) Pitmon-although we are miles apart now we are in some ways we are closer than ever. I was just starting to get to know =the young man who is now my husband-Justin-for almost 6 years now! I had just decided to be a psych major-which I am sure helped to lead me to working with the students that I work with now. It is funny to sit down and think about how in the midst of the day to day life that we go through God does have a wonderful plan-and I can see now in just these 3 examples (there are many more) how he has had some pretty wonderful things come from choices and people he place in my life 10 years ago! It is my hope that in the next 10 years-as I approach 40- I will be able to look back on the fun I am having with my 2 year old and see how this time has helped to shape his pre-teen self (even as I write this I tear up-knowing how fast the time will go). I am in awe of who Blake is already and I really am excited to see who he will become-although I would be happy if this next 10 years didn't go as fast as it seems these have...