Saturday, January 2, 2010

Some Blake Moments

Question: "Where do Gramma and Grampa live?"
Blake: "In WaHatchy!"

Upon opening all of his gifts at his Birthday and Christmas he would state "I NEED that!"

Learning to say "Goodness gracious sakes alive" from his Great Grandma Hanan this Christmas

Upon walking into Nana and Papa's house-with in 5 minutes he asks for the "Zune" to be turned on and the Beatles #1 album to be playing-he can tell you that song #15 is "Yellow Submarine, #14 is "Paperback Writer"-I dare you to challenge him on these facts!

He is starting to sing and if you start a song in the "wrong spot" he will sing where he wants you to start. For example:

Jingle Bells...- "No mama-"Dashing through the snow..."
Winnie the Pooh- "Um Deep in da hundred acre woods..."

If you ask him if he can fix or do something he says "Yes we can, Bob" As in Bob the Builder!

Put a camera near him and he does a wonderful CHEESE face!

He knows that he is two

First morning in his big boy room and bed he was sitting on his bed for me and when I walked in he said "I waited Mommy!"

Whenever we are at the Dr. to check on baby sis he gets mad when the Dr. pulls up my shirt and tries to pull in down-trying to keep me modest. When he hears her heartbeat he says "She round and noisy!"

Whenever he hears a sound he says "I hear that!"

He tells himself "Good job" after doing something he didn't want to do but did anyway.

He is starting to make up things like "pillow time"-which is when he takes off ALL of the couch pillows and puts them in a pile and jumps on them and "bed time" which is when he wants Daddy and Mommy and ALL his pillows and animals in his new bed (these things mostly get made up with Daddy and Blake are alone;)

He asks for hugs and "kisses."

He says "I uv u too."

He says "Thank you Jesus, Amen." when we ask him to pray.

These are just a few things our wonderful 2 year old does-written partly to share but mostly to help me remember in the midst of this busy life.

New years thought

I can't believe that is is 2010-I was thinking about where I was 10 years ago and that would be starting my winter quarter of my sophomore year at SPU on 5th Hill-my how things have changed and not changed...I am still best friends with the lovely lady I roomed with that year-Jenny (Adams) Pitmon-although we are miles apart now we are in some ways we are closer than ever. I was just starting to get to know =the young man who is now my husband-Justin-for almost 6 years now! I had just decided to be a psych major-which I am sure helped to lead me to working with the students that I work with now. It is funny to sit down and think about how in the midst of the day to day life that we go through God does have a wonderful plan-and I can see now in just these 3 examples (there are many more) how he has had some pretty wonderful things come from choices and people he place in my life 10 years ago! It is my hope that in the next 10 years-as I approach 40- I will be able to look back on the fun I am having with my 2 year old and see how this time has helped to shape his pre-teen self (even as I write this I tear up-knowing how fast the time will go). I am in awe of who Blake is already and I really am excited to see who he will become-although I would be happy if this next 10 years didn't go as fast as it seems these have...