Friday, May 29, 2009

Morning Run on a Hot Day

It is days like today that I am thankful for 3 things; #1 that I am a morning person, #2 that Justin is not and #3 that I only work part-time. Why you might wonder? Well the combination allows me to go running, before Justin gets up for work, on my two mornings off. If he were a morning person too he would probably be up and getting ready to leave-which would mean no run (someone has to stay with Blake :)) Today was a perfect day for such an activity. I love a morning run on a day that is going to be hot. Today is beautiful, it is the reason I LOVE Seattle-the rain in the winter months allow for spring and summer days to be sunny and green at the same time. I don't know what it is about a morning run, but I have always preferred them. Maybe it is the sweet, crisp smell of the morning. Or maybe it is the sheer fact that I am a morning person. But I really think it has something to do with the fact that I have ALWAYS loved the feeling of being hot and cold at the same time-when I was a kid I would love to wrap up in a blanket in the car when the AC was on full blast or windows were wide open. As I was running this morning that same sensation occurs, my legs that exposed are cold from breeze of the morning air but my face and body are sweating from the heat that is rising. All that said is is a great start to the weekend and a wonderful reminder that God loves to give his children good good things-no matter how simple.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Pictures and a brief update-sorry for the delay!

Mother's Day 2009!

Kick Kick on Daddy's new toy!

Yummy toast and jam!

Easter 2009

Family after Blake's haircut at a group party!

Hey all! I recently went to a wedding of one of Justin's friends from high school, Congrats Andrea and Tyler!, and a couple people told me that I hadn't updated my blog since the flue! YIKES! So here is my attempt to do a large up date! Well....lets see what haven't we been up to would be a better question:) Blake got his first haircut in March and while it was sad it was good to see the mullet go! He is growing up so fast and now has sooo many words, animal sounds, and a couple of sentences (car go and up pease) and signs (more). Justin got to go to Vegas with some buddies for a bachelor party and we both recently go to go to San Diego (sans Blake) to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary (that is hard to believe!!!). As summer approaches rapidly (I only have 7 more full days and 6 half days!) I am really looking forward to my time off with Blake and time to relax and do some projects around the house-possibly the kitchen this summer. I continue to be in awe of the job of being a mom and while some days I want to pull my hair out, others I just die laughing because of how amazing he is-truly the best job ever! Thanks for being interested in our lives and I hope to be better at this during my time off:)