Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Different from the Start...

Well... I always had a feeling that Blake and his little sister to come (3 days until due date) would be different and unique in their own special and wonderful ways-and that is proving to be true even in the way they are choosing to come into this world. With Blake my water broke 5 days before my due date and we had him 4 days before. It was as if he said "Okay I am done-what is the quickest way to get out???" Although labor wasn't an ideal situation under those circumstances, it was the way he chose to enter the world. Now that I am getting to know him-that part of his personality is still with him. He is always ready to go, ready for an adventure, and is okay to do whatever in the fastest way possible. He even will tell us to "Go Fast, Go Fast" and wave his arms in fast conducting motions while singing bedtime songs. Now his sister to be on the other hand...well so far she has proven to be a little more deliberate and steady about this entering the world process. She is still "warm and cozy in Mommy's tummy" (as Blake is saying) but she has made steady progress over the past couple of weeks. At my 38th week appt I was 1 cm and 50% effaced, on Sunday (the start of week 39) I had about 7 hours of mild contractions-that stopped around 12 midnight...Then on Tuesday I went for my appt and I am now around 3 cm and still 50% effaced. I can't help but wonder if this slow and steady progress is a little picture into the personality of this little girl-and I can hardly wait to find out! (I am a little more like her brother;)

1 comment:

Stacie & Kyle said...

She sounds like a little Justin Dobbins! It would be cute if Blake were more like you and she was like Justin!