Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fun at the Fair!

This weekend we had some "Epic Fun" at the Puyallup State Fair with Blake. We enjoyed the animals from around the world and even saw a Zebra, Emu and Ze-Donk (yes that is a Zebra crossed with a Donkey) up close. Blake enjoyed his first fair scone, one of many I am sure, and was as interested in the balloons, fans, and hay as he was the animals...But I have to say one of my favorite moments involved this photo booth and the three of us fun times!


Robin said...

So fun! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Blake's expression in these pictures! Priceless! Glad to hear you're enjoying your new schedule- of course you are! :)

Unknown said...

This is the cutest thing I've EVER seen! Those are keepers!